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Polish Language Children Poems Colorful Classics series


Colorful Classics is the most beautiful color edition of this collection of poems on the market! The book contains wonderful, colorful illustrations and its advantage is a large font that facilitates quick reading. Edition on noble paper, very durable and aesthetic. The edition contains the full text of the song, without any abbreviations or cuts in the content.


Kolorowa Klasyka to najpiękniejsze kolorowe wydanie tego zbioru wierszy na rynku! Książka zawiera wspaniałe, barwne ilustracje, jej atutem jest duża, ułatwiająca szybkie czytanie czcionka. Edycja na szlachetnym papierze, bardzo trwała i estetyczna. Wydanie zawiera pełny tekst utworu, bez skrótów i cięć w treści. Wydanie to nie zawiera opracowania. Wielu poetów pisało wiersze dla dzieci, ale tylko niektórzy z nich zapisali się na stałe w kanonie literatury dziecięcej. Bez wątpienia takim poetą jest Jan Brzechwa, autor utworów, które znają i kochają kolejne pokolenia maluchów, a także z sentymentem powracają do nich dorośli.


Many poets wrote poems for children, but only some of them permanently entered the canon of children's literature. Jan Brzechwa is undoubtedly such a poet, the author of works that are known and loved by subsequent generations of children, and that adults also return to with sentiment. We present a collection of his most famous poems.

The volume includes such famous poems as Braggart, Liar, Lazy Man, On the Bergamut Islands, The Needle and Thread Danced, At the Market Stall and the unforgettable Strange Duck. There are also longer verse fairy tales by Brzechwa - Szelmostwa Lisa Witalisa, Pali się! and Told by a Woodpecker to an Owl, as well as a selection of poems from the Zoo series. Each piece is accompanied by detailed, full-page illustrations that will delight every toddler and encourage him to return to this book many times. We highly recommend it!

Polish Language Children Poems Colorful Classics series

SKU: 9788381860437
    • Age 3+
    • Paperback
    • 147 pages
    • 246 x 169
    • Polish Language
    • ISBN 9788381860437
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